vendredi 30 novembre 2012

David Deliaud, let's listen to an other biker


I'm David Deliaud, am working as Engineer in CST Switches and Aero Business unit.

About CST Bike Challenge,
I really like the idea of pooling our collective effort to collect donations for an association focused on healing people with rare diseases.
We have organised similar events in the past but this is clearly the biggest sporting challenge and may also be complicated by the very difficult weather conditions.

That said, the difficulties we will face fade into insignificance compared to people who are suffering from many of these rare diseases for which there is no known cure.

I count on everyone CST worldwide to guess the distance that we will cover between BEI Sensors Strasbourg and Crouzet Valence to make a donation and to your your local associate or chosen cause.

And you can can count on us to make this 'crazy' project a success!

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